Getting started
The OUDS Android library is compatible with Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher.
1. Add library dependency
OUDS Android is not yet released so you cannot use it. We will provide integration instructions here after the first release.
2. Use OudsTheme
is a Material theme extension for Jetpack Compose applications. Cause OUDS supports multi-theme, you must specify the theme to use for your application.
Use OudsTheme
in your screens by providing the OrangeTheme
for example as theme contract to use the Orange theme.
OudsTheme(themeContract = OrangeTheme()) {
// Use OUDS components or modules here for an interface
// matching the Orange Unified Design System
Content copied to clipboard
Use another
implementation if you want to use a custom theme. For example the existingWhiteLabelTheme